So this is my 100th post!! I'm so excited. Now I play with the big girls!!
So in order to celebrate I'm going to have 100 things about me and a giveaway!!
1. I love to blog. Like really, really enjoy it!!
2. I was named after my aunts, Kristine and Colette.
3. I'm not a very good housekeeper.
4. I love dark chocolate.
5. I am obsessed with Desperate Housewives. (I don't have TV so I have to read about it)
6. I love that all the new fashion has capped sleeves.
7. My husband thinks I'm a mix between Lynette and Susan from Desperate Housewives.
8. I watched the whole season of Big Brother 9 on the internet.
9. I am making 3 quilts right now. One by hand, and two for a friend!
10. I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
11. All my toes are broken from swimming.
12. I really love playing Wii.
13. I wear size 13 jeans.
14. I wish I was a 10 but I think I'm okay with 13.
15. We have an chinchilla. His name is Rosco.
16. I brush my teeth when I read books, no paste.
17. I'm part of a book club.
18. I hate it when my kid doesn't go to sleep when I say!
19. I have always wanted to get a tattoo on my foot.
20. I had a Honda in high school.
21. I didn't check the oil in the whole year I drove it and seized the engine.
22. I got another Honda for my senior year. Also didn't check the oil but my dad learned his lesson and caught it just before it would have seized! :)
23. My favorite movie is American President with Michael Douglas.
24. Meet Joe Black is a close second.
25. I make best friends, not acquaintances.
26. I have been friends with Nicci for 17 years.
27. I have played the piano for 22 years.
28. I hate being ditched. You can cancel all you want on me, but at least have the courtesy to text/call.
29. I have lived in 5 states.
30. When I go back to school, I think I want to be a midwife.
31. I have been in five accidents. (1. My mom was driving to piano lessons. 2) My high school friend was driving and we hit a car. 3) I tapped the back of a car while talking to my sister. 4) Chris was driving and got backed into. 5) Some chick ran a stop sign and hit my car.
32. I have to sleep with a blanket between my knees.
33. I am not allowed to tell my husband my dreams because they are too weird.
34. I have never had a fling, only long term boyfriends.
35. I have written in a journal since I was 12.
36. I believe that there are boy chores like the trash, mowing the lawn and cleaning out the drains.
37. I wish I could go back to high school and do it again. I had so much fun but I would change a few things.
38. I love reality tv shows, even before they were the only thing on.
39. I get Strawberry Banana Rendezvous at Cold Stone.
40. I love walking on beaches of all kinds.
41. One of my nicknames is Jellyfish Killer.
42. Everytime I hear the song Triller I have to dance.
43. I hate having my birthday close to Christmas.
44. I refuse to have a baby in December, so I track my ovulation schedule.
45. I'm very proud of my husband for serving in the Air Force.
46. I am a member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. (Mormon)
47. My face still breaks out.
48. I am scared of snakes.
49. My favorite animal is beluga whales.
50. Happy halfway! THis is hard. I read all my friends updated blogs every day.
51. My biggest pet peeve is people touching my feet.
52. My favorite chore is cleaning the kitchen.
53. My favorite meal to cook is homemade waffles.
54. The meal I cook most often is pancakes or French toast.
55. I can't wait to move back to the 'Lower 48.'
56. I don't hit the snooze button very often.
57. I prefer to drink Coke out of a bottle.
58. I love the orange pop at McDonald's.
59. I love my Ugg boots.
60. I wish I had a garden to grow food.
61. I have a small food storage.
62. I don't know how to put make up on.
63. I have never gotten into a fist fight except with my sister.
64. I don't think there is any excuse for cheating.
65. I hate plucking my eyebrows!
66. I am a big baby when I am sick.
67. I enjoy quilting and do it more than I should.
68. I have two graduation quilts. One from my mom and the other from my grandma.
69. My favorite color sheets is white. It's just so clean.
70. I don't wear jewelry except my wedding ring.
71. I would love to decorate other people's houses but I would have to do it all my way! :)
72. I have only colored my hair once.
73. I want to work in a florist store.
74. I want to visit all fifty states.
75. I want to go on a senior mission with my husband.
76. I love my layout on my blog.
77. I wish the Christmas spirit was year round.
78. I don't like New Year's Eve. I think it's just another reason for people to drink.
79. I got a bug bite on my honeymoon on my leg. I still have the bump.
80. I went camping in Canada for my honeymoon.
81. I wear size 1 dress to Prom.
82. I was anorexic.
83. I enjoy food a lot now!!
84. My favorite food is French toast.
85. I wish I could wear long dresses like the pioneers.
86. I put pudding in my cakes.
87. I love reading the labels of food like Snapple caps and Laffy Taffy jokes.
88. I don't have any plants in my house. I would kill them if I did.
89. I have really long fingers, perfect for blogging and playing the piano.
90. I don't have an apron.
91. I used to hate the color brown but now I really like it.
92. I like watching Judge Judy.
93. I don't drink alcohol or do drugs.
94. I get sick when I drink orange juice but it's so good.
95. I can French braid my hair.
96. I have a crush on Edward Cullen but he has dark hair.
97. I only have one sister and lots of brother and sister in laws.
98. I want to be pregnant now. (Send your happy thoughts this way!)
99. I can't wait until I see how many people comment on my blog tomorrow.
100. I really enjoy you guys reading all this stuff!!
And to the giveaway, comment on this post and you will be entered a chance to have me make you a wall quilt!!
(I haven't decided on a pattern yet so you can help with that.)
The contest ends tonight at midnight so tell all your friends to get over here! (Or don't, more chances for you!)
If you tell me 2 things about yourself, you can comment as many times as you like.