Our resident monkeys, Ethan and Nova
The playgroup at David Green Park
A snap shot of (LtoR) Bee, Taron, Hudson, Ethan, Eli, Korian, Ms. Adams and Mychel
Mr. Smiley, who got really sunburnt cuz his mom forgot about sunscreen
Andrea, Torsten, Linsday and Isabella (in the corner) playing with a ball
So awhile ago, while still prego, I was told about our church playgroups. I was sooo excited because I am what you would call "People Person." If I don't get the human contact that I HAVE to have every such day, I drive my husband nuts. And as I'm quite fond of the man, I don't want to dig him an early grave. So Bee and I have made it an adventure, every Wednesday to go to these said Playgroups. They are so fun. Just a bunch of Moms sitting around, chit-chatting and watching the kids. We watch other people's kids here, abandon our own (just kidding...we only wish) and feed all the other children but our own. (Their snacks are always better, no matter that they are the same.) Sometimes our playgroup is two of us, other times like today, it is quite the little get together. It was just Centennial Park Ward but since the split, we have not been so choosy of our friends...Haha! Just teasing. It's pretty much all the same chicas, plus a few more. So I have kinda taken over this little activity (go figure, me and taking over!) and have found a few parks to play at. We are going to try elementary school next time as they have playground equipment for all ages. But here are a few pictures of today!
Isabella, looking gorgeous as always!
Lauren and Eli hanging out
Our newest addition to our party, three months
Torsten and Eli checking out the bubbles...yup they work!
Our weekend was wonderful!! We got sealed in the Anchorage temple. Amazing is pretty much the only word to describe how we felt afterwards. Now we are getting used to the G's and all that good stuff. Chris and I were talking afterwards and we agreed that it feels like we are One now. Like we are finally married. (I know you are thinking, well they were before....but it's different to know that you are married for all time and eternity then 'til death do you part.) We both rely on each other for our future. It's seriously just glorious and I 1000% recommend it to everyone!
Chris' parent's made it up here for the sealing. It was really nice to have them up here. We got to play tourist with them after our sealing. We tried to find a moose but go figure, the time you really want to see one, there's none to be found. We drove to Whittier for goodness sake's and still none. We saw one, on the way to dinner on the corner of DeBarr and Boniface!! We couldn't even stop!! Silly animals. Oh well, it was still fun and a gorgeous day to be out. EVERYone played nice, which I was worried about. It was really an enjoyable time. Bee was a little bit of a pill but it's understandable for him cuz he is teething, and his naps were all messed up. (Mine too but I don't think that counts :)
I got another calling this weekend. (For those keeping track, this is number 3.) I am now the Enrichment Leader. How fun is that!?! I have soooo many ideas I'm sure that's are just going to be crazy-daisy!!
Welp that's our weekend in a nutshell! Thanks for all the support!
How it works:
Erase my answers, enter yours, tag your friends, post it on your blog, then notify them, including the person who tagged you. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following. (They have to be real places, names, things.....nothing made up!) Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same first initial. You cannot use your name for the boy/girl name question.
What is your name: Krista
Four letter word: Knee
Vehicle: Kia
TV Show: K-ville
City: Kansas City
Boy's Name: Karl
Girl's Name: Kassandra
Occupation: Kennel Keeper (Haha two points!)
Something You Wear: knickers
Food: kiwi
Something Found in a Bathroom: ketch-up packets...see Maggie Judi's blog
Reason for Being Late: Knocked out
Something You Shout: Kick the BALL!
I tag Emily, Jill and Maggie
As in the title, I really should be cleaning but I am feeling guilty for not posting anything in a couple days.
So here it goes! As seen below, Chris, Bee and I are getting sealed this Saturday. My father-in-law, Don is going to be Chris escort on Friday night. We were excited about him coming up and Chris took a day off work to show his Dad the sites of Alaska. We called Sunday, Mother's day to wish Marie (mother-in-law) a Happy day and to get Don's flight info. We were shocked to hear that Marie is coming also!!!! She is coming Friday morning but will be here in time for our first session! We are just amazed how our Heavenly Father works things out!
So now if I was worried about our house looking nice for my father-in-law...it doubles with my mother-in-law! She raised 8 kids and I'm sure had a great looking house to go with. So I called in back-up. My best friend, Mychel is coming over as I write this to help clean! As most of you know, and my husband tells me often, that I'm not a great housekeeper! (I would rather type on here for example!) So yeah, I just wanted to let you fellow bloggers know that I'm still alive. And to come find me in a couple days in my cobwebs if you don't hear from me! Hope to see you on Friday or Saturday!
Today was gorgeous! It was 59* and kids were playing in the sprinklers! That's Alaska for ya! It is now 10:05pm and I just pulled this picture of a webcam. The sun is just now starting to set. For all of you not in Alaska, we add five minutes of daylight a day (about) until the first day of Summer then it's starts going back down five minutes. It is really interesting to have to make yourself go to bed when the sun is still up. Your brain just thinks of soo many things that you could be doing instead of sleeping! It's really bad when school is out. My neighbor mowed his lawn last year at eleven because all the kids were still outside! One thing that I never thought about was Fourth of July. It doesn't get dark enough to set off fireworks!! The sun goes down but it's kinda like dusk more then actual darkness. So we make up for it at New Year's and blow them all off when there's plenty of darkness!! Well I just wanted to put a little blog about the light/dark up here for everyone to see and for us to remember when we leave! Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!! Call your mom's!
Tonight was Enrichment night for us ladies in Centennial Park, Russian Jack and Chester Valley. We went to this wonderful ladies house, Kaye, to make signs! (Her house was amazing...just what I want when I grow up. (OK when my husband retires from the military). She had hardwood floor, dark cabinets in the kitchen, PAINT ON THE WALLS!!, quilts everywhere, fluffy couches that just scream at you to get a book and chill but that isn't the best part. Her daughter's room was a yellow-orange'ish color with purple vinyl on the walls. It was flowers and a saying that was great but I can't remember now. Something about giggles and curls are what girls are made of. It was sooo cute. I just loved everything!)
OK so back to Enrichment night. We met different people from other wards and a few from our own that we didn't know. I met Lindsay's crazy 'grandma' friends...so fun! AND I met a whole bunch of people that blog on here! I didn't know this was such a huge thing. I'm really excited to have so many new blog friends. I love reading about little things in people's lives. It really makes you grateful of the small moments. So we made signs, chatted and really just had a great time. I'm really excited about this new ward for the first time. I think I'll be okay. Now just convincing someone else is the issue! :)
We are getting sealed!! It's becoming more and more of a reality everyday. I sent out announcements to family, we received our stuff to go through, we are reading all things we are suppose to...and it's just all so exciting! The only thing I'm worried about is whether Bee is going to be good or not. He loves his pacifier! So that's what I'm hoping and praying for is that he will be good long enough!! Is that something Mom's worry about on a regular basis?? I know when I leave Bee with a babysitter, that's a big part of my thoughts during the time I'm gone, is whether or not he was good!
I'm so excited that my father-in-law is coming up here to go through with Chris. I was really hoping it would happen. Even though he is only up here for a minute, I hope we'll be able to show him some of this beautiful state. Any suggestions on where to be tourist at?
It's really kinda of fun to think that my family will be sealed for all time and eternity. That I'll be with my little man forever!! Oh and Chris too! Hahaha Maybe that should go the other way around! :) J/K
So if I was nervous about this whole thing, it would be about Chris and Bee. Chris because he is a perfectionist and has a hard time letting go of his 'norm' and for Bee being good for the time we need him. I think the main reason I'm not worried about me is because I have a wonderful escort, Mychel, that will help me. I don't know what it is about her but she just makes everything okay. She just calms me down and has a great presence about her. She is just wonderful! I'm so glad that she is here to go through with me.
I'm so glad that we have such a wonderful support system in the Church. It would be harder to live up here without it. Even the people back home support us here, with their little words of encouragement. We are so grateful for us guys!
So for those of you that can come, it's May 16 at 6:15pm and our sealing is May 17 at 11:00am at the Anchorage temple. I know babysitters are going fast. We would love to have anyone that can make it, come! And anyone in Seattle that wants to come, we have a couch left! :) If ya can't, just keep us in your thoughts that day.
I'm so excited!!
Happy May Day! These are my flowers to myself. I don't think I've ever gotten flowers on May Day...has anyone else? I remember going around the neighborhood, picking dandelions (weeds) and putting them on people's doorstep and running. I was once cute!
I was pondering what it was like to see flowers growing in people's yards during the month of May. I seriously enjoy daffodils and tulips when they pop up out of the ground. Then the next time you notice them, they are beautiful flowers! Gotta love it.
I was thinking the other day about growing a garden. It was a nice thought about having tomatoes and green peas growing and blooming. I don't know anything about gardening in Alaska. I'm sure it is different. And to be honest I don't want to invest the time to leave soon. Or to have it ruined by snow. It's hard enough to have grass ruined by the weather up here, let alone gorgeous flowers! I know drama right?!
I think I have everything arranged for our temple day. I have a babysitter for Bee, garments ordered, a picture taker and a temple recommend. I believe that's it. I'm so excited that this day is getting closer. We are going to read some of the articles that were suggested to us this weekend. Any suggestions? I can't wait to read through them so I'm as prepared as I can be. I'll write more tomorrow about my feelings about getting sealed. I don't wanna dig deep tonight...just on top with my flowers! :)
So I hope everyone had a wonderful May Day. I know I enjoyed looking at these ones.
So tonight was a little crazy but good fun! We watched the little Hulet's tonight so the big Hulet's could go to the temple for our friend's sealing. Plus we had Ethan and Nova in addition to Bee, Hooch and Jack. Needless to say, it was crazy! I had puppies licking and jumping on three toddlers (we'll count Bee in this section just to make me feel better), two boys running around trying to shoot the puppies or toddlers, which ever was in the aim with Lego guns. All the while I'm trying to make french toast for dinner plus something for my husband to eat...I didn't have enough eggs for all to enjoy french toast. I get all of us settled down to eat and they all explode, if by some magical force..."Can I have some milk? Honey, can you get me a fork? I dropped my knife. Ethan, that's my cup! (Hudson crying saying he wants to eat too)" HAHA And I want five kids!! Hahaha LOL
But wait the funny part is, in the middle of the whole thing my husband is trying to tell me about his new wonderful, great idea to fix (what's not broken) on our boat. He just stops mid-sentence and says "It's too noisy for me to think. I'll talk to you later!" I just started laughing. Hudson and Bee were the only ones making noise...he has something coming when the three walking boys come downstairs with Lego guns! If he had hair, he would have pulled it out I'm sure! It's so funny how my husband can't focus on more than one thing. I was following the conversation fine, blocking out the baby babble and was kind of shocked that he was flustered! Haha
When the Hulet's came to pick up the little Hulet's, my hubby jokingly said he only wants three kids now...but let us watch them next time and it might be two! I seriously wonder how much truth is in that statement. I honestly don't think he understood how great a baby Bee is. Hudson is wonderful too but he is now crawling and almost walking so a lot more work.
As I was waiting to flip my amazing French toast, I stood and smiled that this could be my family in 8 years. I really enjoyed it. I do admit, I did get stressed when both Hudson and Bee cried at the same time for a bottle but it was easily fixed. And unless I have twins, I won't be in that situation with babies 4 or less months apart.
So I was feeling like a Mama Duck so here's a picture! Bring on those babies!! :)