This is a picture from my front yard at 8am last Monday. Yes, it's still almost dark at 8am. The sun didn't come up this week until about 9:30am. (I'm going to do a post on this on Friday so come back to learn.)
Anyway this is a star. "This electric sculpture of 325 50-watt bulbs suspended above the alpine tundra on poles set in concrete fills the area of a football field" says ADN (Anchorage Daily News). You can see it anywhere from Anchorage. It really brings a sense of comfort to know it's there. It's on the Fort Richardson. It's kinda reminder that the military is here and always present. I really like it and will be one of the things I miss when I leave here.

This is a picture of Portage lake. Bee and I took Dad and Christine site seeing on Black Friday. This is the mountain that the Whittier tunnel goes through.

Can boys be beautiful? Well anyway the snow and his eyes are just amazing so I had to take a picture.

This is another picture of the Portage lake. Up close of that part of the glacier that had 'calfed'.

He is standing next to a quickly made snowman at the beginning of the Kenai river. He just stood there because he doesn't like the feeling of walking on snow! :)

Grandpa was fixing Bee's glove that he kept taking off. It was pretty cold here...about 20 degrees.

The tide is out so you can really see all the ice in the water. This is one of the most beautiful but most dangerous places in Anchorage.

Auntie Kassie andbee
Don't judge me for going inside to grab my camera and not a coat for my kid. So what if it's snowing, he was born here. I'm sure he is used to it. Okay I'm totally trying to find an excuse. Notice the amount of snow on the rear view mirror, next to my sister. We had just left about 3 hours before. So that much snow in 3 hours.

This is my SSS present!!
It is from Mrs. 4444. Here is her blog. She is soo wonderful. Don't you just love it! I'm so lucky.

This is the cookbook she sent. It's of her family recipes! How stinkin cool is that!?!

I covered up the names and stuff just in case she wanted it that way. But that still doesn't take away from such a great gift. Can you tell I'm going to use the heck out of this!?

And she sent me chocolate. Gosh I love this woman!

And great smelling lotion! I put it on after my shower today....yummm!
K so there's my life in a few pictures, as of late.
My sister just ordered her tickets to come back up here in 18 days. The same day my mom is coming!! I'm sooo blessed to have family come up here this year!
We had such a great time with Dad and Christine and Kassy up here for Thanksgiving. Even though I don't have a dining room table to eat at, it was still such a great time. Dad and Christine really got into the Wii. There were 3 nights that we stayed up until 1-2am playing golf and bowling!! (And let me tell you, I'm not a Spring chick anymore and had a really tough time getting out of bed!)
For dinner we had turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green bean stuff, rice pudding, 5 pies (apple, pumpkin and pumpkin cheese cake), marshmallow fruit salad, rolls and a great time. Shawn came over too. He is dating my sister so it's a win-win situation. (He is Chris' best friend.)
Bee doesn't like turkey. He won't eat it. Silly kid.
Well there it is, in a nut shell. Back to your normal blogging schedule tomorrow!
so many awesome pictures!!!! What a blessing to be surrounded by so much beauty!
And no, you are not bad for not getting the coat for Connor. I can't tell you how many times I have taken my kids without shoes, coats, etc to pick Brandon up from school, etc. :) My kids are all alive still. :)
wow those pix are AMAZING!!!
Barb really sent you some super nice items how cool!
I *LOVE* coconut lime verbena. It's my favorite!!!! That cookbook is AWESOME! I think I' jealous. I'm glad you'll have your family with you this year. Sometimes it's not fun being alone.
It looks soooooo cold in Alaska!! We haven't been hit with sticking snow yet, which is so weird for us, but hey...I'm not gonna complain!
Great pictures!!!! It is beautiful there, isn't it!
Very beautiful pictures. My brother keeps trying to get me to come up to Alaska...I keep telling him I'll come visit him when it hits 80 degrees! I really hate the cold! But your pictures make me think it would be worth the trip. Oh and your kids are just too dang cute!
That star is awesome! So many gorgeous landscape pictures and many with beautiful people too. I love looking at pictures on other peoples blogs. Thanks for sharing.
love the pictures. I love the Connor eyes one! Nice job. Who needs a table to eat? It makes for better memories this way too. I almost thought your sister was you. You guys really look alike.
put down the camera krista.......
TOO COOL! Well, cold! LOL
I love all of the pictures! They are awesome!
You son is ADORABLE..YES he can be beautiful!
Oh and I loved all of your goodies! :-)
I enjoyed this recap (even before I saw the SS presents! :) Alaska is so beautiful; I visited my sister when I was in high school, and your pics were great. Connor...what a little CUTIE! Loved the snowman.
What a great post with so many lovely pictures! It looks like your SS treated you well too!
I can practically smell that lotion from here! Great gifts!
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