This is the picture post I've been promising for a few days now.
This picture is an up close of a quilt I've been working on. It's a Christmas present so I'm keeping shut who it's for.

I figure it was fitting with snowman to come from Alaska but now that it's snowing just about's really fitting! Cute little guy isn't he?
Pretty border that turned out a lot better that I thought.
Big picture. I wish the purple and the middle green stood out more but lesson learned!
Here she is in all her glory! So pretty.
Notice the snow in the middle of the road. The snow plow had just come through and pushed it into the middle. She didn't care he was there. She just kept eating the leaves off my neighbor's tree.
PS This is with a zoom lense. You don't get this close to moose unless you want to get kicked/hurt. They like their space.
This is Nova and Ethan. They are the boys I watch for two weeks at a time. This was just before breakfast...note the hair! :)
So I'm a horrible blogger and just realized that I hadn't put up pictures of my presents I got from my Secret Santa!! Sorry chica!! I still heart you!
This is so wonderful and can't wait to start. I cheated and looked at my's my favorite scripture...a lamp unto my feet! Love it!
She even got Bee a present! What a sweet heart! It's a book "The Snowman named Bob" and I' didn't take any pictures of Bee opening it. I know, I'm grounded!
Oh look at me before my shower and my eyebrows not plucked! Anyway she gave me wonderfully warm and lovely hat and scarf! (I so needed this, for real! My wonderful dog, Jack, chewed holes in my last year gear.)
Thank you soooooooo much for my lovely presents! You are so wonderful and thoughtful!

Daisy Quilts is having a giveaway. It's in the rules that I have to tell you, or I don't think I would. The prize is THAT good. But go over there and try and win. If I don't win, I want you to....kinda. I would rather win.
I kid, I kid....again kinda!
Anyway go check her out!
K so I have to take a cat nap while Bee is sleeping. Then I have to practice the piano BECAUSE I am playing SIX (6) songs in the Christmas program at church tomorrow morning. Pray for me!!!!!!
Then Kassy and my mom are coming in at 9pm and 11pm tonight! we are going to be up late, I can just tell!
Til tomorrow when I tell you about my piano playing!
Hi Krista and welcome to my Giveaway!
The very best of luck to you :o)
Your Moose is amazing and so is the!!
How did your piano playing go?
Robyn xx
Your quilt is amazing! I tried one once, boy it's uhhh interesting looking to say the least. lol
What!? Moose just come hang out at your house? Where do I sign up?
I will pray for you, if you pray for me.. My girls sing for sacrement as a family... their ready though, and they always sound great.. but me knees a knockin' always...
That quilt is amazing! I'm so impressed that you can do that.
I am so jealous!!! I want to learn to quilt! but the sewing machine intimidates me!!
The quilt is very cute. I too am jealous of your talent.
I think it would be cool to have a moose wander through the neighborhood.
We only get guest raccoons.
Krista...your quilt is so beautiful! I love the bright happy colors and the pattern is just darling! Whoever gets it is going to be thrilled! Have fun with your family!
GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS QUILT--you have TONS of talent...wanna share some?
And look at you with all those fun gift exchanges. Next year I will have to get in on the fun!
Finally a quiet moment catch up with you. The quilt is amazing. I love to sew. Just finished making pj pants for everyone.
Love Snowmen!
Love the quilt. Don't know if I'll make it tomorrow. We are having Christmas eve tomorrow and got lots to do. I'll see what I can do though. Have tons of fun with your family. I'm sure you did a great job playing the piano. I really appreciated our program today.
Yeah---one day I'll make it to one of those doctors..
And yes, it'd be fun to learn how to quilt. How are we gonna work that with you in AK and me in UT...? :)
I love all your moose pictures, that sweet baby moose is so adorable!!
Glad you liked your gifts!!
OH MY WORD...I LOVE THAT QUILT! I LOVE those colors! You are sooo talented. Who ever gets that baby is ONE LUCKY person! I hope they appreciate it...hey, if they don't like it, tell them to send it to me!
And the MOOSE PICTURES! I LOVE IT. Are those for ME? Remember I asked you to take some pictures for me when your sister was there before? I ♥ them!
You look so cute in your little hat!
And how did the piano playing go?
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