We found Jack a new home.

Jack is a great dog. He was great with Bee. Fun to play with Hooch. A cuddle bug.

He got nervous when we left him alone. He ripped up carpet (we rent), he chewed on remotes, camera, makeup, shoes, chairs....
I admit, I'm not a great housekeeper. So that let a lot more stuff to get chewed up.
We tried bones, toys and other things with no difference.
The last straw for Chris was when he ate my sister's really expensive camera. We just can't keep spending the money to replace the things he chewed up.
So he went to a wonderful family that wanted him as a Christmas present. They have another dog for him to play with. I hope he does well there. I hope that he doesn't chew up their things.
Chris already regrets giving him away. I do not. I think it was a good decision for our family as a whole. It's gonna hurt but I think it's going to be better.
So that's what's new here. I'll get back in gear tomorrow with daily posts!
I'm sorry, that must have been hard. He's such a beautiful dog. Hopefully he'll be just as happy in his new home and grow out of the chewing.
hey there thanks for visiting my site. even though you didn't win scraps this week, try back on saturday, i'll have another contest. happy holidays!!
I am sure that was rough, but it sounds like it was the right thing to do--even if it doesnt seem like it yet. Give it a few weeks. I am sure even your hubby will start to notice how nice it is to not have things torn up! :)
We've had to do that. IT's never easy but we always do what is best for the dog and our family. He will do great!
I'm so sorry. I hope the new family loves him.
Well you know ... it'll be sad for a while, but chewing things up like that? Not so good. Sometimes the best thing for a pet is to do what is REALLY best for them... and their owner. lol Your hubby's wallet will appreciate the decision soon enough. *wink*
awww...i know that was hard...i don't think you were reading my blog way back when, but the same thing happened to us...we adopted a dog and she just didn't work out with the dog we already had...=(...you did the right thing...thank you for reading/visiting/commenting on my blog! i appreciate it so much but can never write back to you because your profile says 'noreply-comment'...oh, and i am in illinois...my clock must adjust to your time?
We have so much in common. We need to find a new home for our dog. He is doing the same things. I feel bad because it is winter and we can't have him in the house anymore. He ends up in the Garage. I am never sure what kind of mess to expect in the morning. He is such a smart dog. But I know it will be better to find him a better home. We rent also!
We went through that when we moved...it's like giving one of your children away...
But we just couldn't bring him along. And it did work out best because I had to start working down here when we moved here! :)
Maybe you should take Andy. He doesn't chew up things. I will put him in the mail.
So-I'm about to do the Pay it Forward thing on my blog. Are there any rules I need to know? Like, say-I have to do more than make popsicle stick figures?
JK. I can crochet, even if I can't quilt:)
Oh, poor family of Jack. He's such a pretty dog. I hope he is good with his new family. At least if you know those people you can always visit him, right? ♥♥
Awwww...but you know you did the right thing!
i figured out the noreply-comment thing...and thanks for letting me know that mine was set that way, too...go to dashboard, then to edit profile...check the box that says "show email" (the 3rd box down), then save changes...that's it! ☺
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