Aren't we so lucky to have our birthdays so close together, that we can't ever forget the other's!!
So in celebration of our birthdays, Christmas and all things happy....we are having a giveaway. Two actually.

So here is what you can win: a big box of candy, an apron, a wall quilt or a lap quilt!!
(These will not even be started until after Christmas so you gotta hold your horses together.)
I had to throw the candy in there for the boys that want to enter. (Actually cuz my hubby thought that boys read my blog!! LOL)
So rules: (I know, Shelle, but if you wanna win you HAVE to do them :) I heart you!!)
The first person to reach the 1000th comment (yes you read that right, it doesn't take long, trust me.) will win first choice of said prizes.
The second prize will go to the person that commented the most. They will get second choice of said prizes.
Now it's your choice whether you want to tell your friends about this. The more people that enter, the harder it's going to be to be the 1000th commenter.
This giveaway ends on my birthday, Dec. 16th. I will announce the winner after my birthday dinner. (Which will probably be after you kitties are in bed.)
If I'm feeling nice, I might random draw the other two prizes.
"Do you feel lucky...Punk, huh do ya?"
This is stay at the top so please scroll down for recent posts! Thanks for playing!!
Update: A few questions have been asked in the first few comments...I'm new to this whole contest thing....be patient, por favor!
You can comment ABOUT other posts, but if you want it counted toward a quilt, you have to comment here, on this one.
No you don't have to keep track of how many comments you have, or where you are at...I have a secret way...waha ha ha! (it's called counting my emails!)
Consider this a birthday present to us....COMMENT away!!
1 – 200 of 602 Newer› Newest»Hey thanks for noticing I forgot to add how much glue to my recipe. Thats what happens when I blog and try to get children to bed at the same time! LOL.
Guess this is my first comment in the "comment marathon" Have to see how I do. Would love some one else to make me a quilt.
Here is number 2 Happy Birthday early.
here is number 3 !
Does this need to be on only this post or can I go back a few to comment?
Look at me go.
LOL...go Jenny go...
Do i have to keep track of my comments? Ya know I am not good at that....
happy birthday to you!!!
happy birthday to hubby!!!
yayyyy a giveaway!!!
my daddy's birthday is the 16th too!!!
how old are you gonna be???
how old is the hubby gonna be???
hi jenny!!!
nice to meet you!!!
Hi again!
1,000 is a lot of comment!
Guess what?
I have a new niece!
Her name is Erin.
Isn't that a pretty name?
Her middle name is Dorothy...after my mom and my nana.
I thought her middle name should have been Jiggety...but my sister didn't ask for suggestions.
Guess what else?
I stayed home from work today.
Don't rat me out!
I had a doctor appointment this morning so actually my absence was legit.
Legit is one of my new favorite words.
How am I doing so far?
I wonder how long it would take me to get to 1,000 if I just kept going?
Did you finish all of your shopping yet?
I still have a bunch to do.
Hopefully I will finish this weekend!
Guess what?
I love comments!
Hey! Remember that time I tried to get to 100?
And remember how you posted like, 50 of my 100?
That was so cool.
You had me at 25...
I saw my dermatologist today
She is VERY nice
All of my moles are fine...no cancer!
So that is pretty excellent!
Then I went to Walmart and spent too much money.
I am an impulse shopper.
My feet are REALLY cold.
I am going to go put socks on!
Talk to you later!
This is really fun, by the way!
Have fun counting, Krista!!!
1000th comment? Holy cow I gotta see this!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
you people are nuts!
I'm laughing at all the comments by Jenni....but I think I'm done now. Somebody has to be the big loser!
Happy Birthday early !!
My daughters birthday is the 15th
15th of december
Me again
I am watching the Biggest Loser
Are you watching?
My feet are still cold
In case you were wondering
Guess what?
My kids are supposed to be sleeping
But they are OUT OF CONTROL in their room
Dad just went in to yell at them
That ought to last about 5 minutes
I bought my dog a stuffed Santa to chew on today
She still prefers the stuffed black cat I bought her for Halloween
I was going to try and go for the most comments, but I'm not so sure I have it in me. If i had a girl I would DIE to have a blanket made by you just for her. How fun would that be!?!?!?!
What do you think Megan is having?
By the way. My awesome shirt is long, but it's REALLY long because I have a tube top on underneath it. (from Wet Seal, which I hear makes TONS of money in Alaska. About 30,000 on Black Friday...CRAZY!!) You go Alaska!
I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't be chosen at random, but maybe I should be chosen for most needy?? What do ya think?
Oh, by the way, the Air Force wouldn't give Dorian the time of day when he called a couple different times to get some info. Sad huh? HORRIBLE recruiters in that office, I'd say? Are you guys in the Air Force for the long haul, or is it a short term thing?
Happy birthday to you and your hubby!!! what # am I?
i need to go back and read the rules better.
okay so i forgot to tell you that my daughter melanie's birthday is the 13th.
she'll be 3 years old.
and she's gonna be a heartbreaker.
i'm sure of it.
dude how am i gonna beat this jenni gal???
i think she's giving me a run for my money.
maybe she'll get bored.
or maybe she'll forget.
and never come back.
fat chance...but still.
i saw you commented my dear santa letter over at the b&w challenge.
i really need some b&w fabbies.
did you figure out what you are making???
not me.
something will hit me.
my hands are cold.
knock knock.
who's there???
rachel who???
rachel from p.s. i quilt
i'm trying to win your giveaway!!!
oh the hubby's home.
gotta go kiss him.
ta ta for now.
Holy cats---you're in the triple digits!!!
Happy Birthdays to you both!:)
happy freakin birthday to both of you!!! I think that is an awesome way to celebrate!
Since I'm going to win...
I would like a lap quilt...
Oh and my husband wants the candy! thanks much!
OHhhh you so kind and generous for your birthdays.. thanks
I am in it for the apron
And the candy
And everything else.
I don't remember how I found your bloggity blog.
But I do love it
And love coming to it
And always will
you do
like this,
or does it have to be like this...
I woke up this morning and thought- today will be a great day!!
And you just made my day!!!
I would love the quilt.
Did you make the quilt?
or did you buy it..
I want to win this badly.
I want you to get to 1000 badly.
Where did you meet your hubby
How old are you?
What did you last night?
WE decorated finally.
I hope you are feeling great today.
How many years apart are you two?
I am typing this one handed while I feed my baby.
so when he is done, I have to get off the computer, but I will return to get my prize... hee hee
Trying to talk to a computer is hard.
This is a fun idea.. I have always wanted to do a giveaway like this.
maybe I will steal your idea for my website..
Do you like egg nog?
I think I drank a whole carton last night.
Now I feel like puking.
Did you have a good Thanksgiving?
I guess if you call eating
Tongan food thanksgiving food
then I did.
I will be back..
jsut forgot to tell you
do you want me to shout you out.. I don't care. If you do, let me know.
ta ta for now
Oops, I want to make it to 50. So let me do a few more.
Do you do a taditional christmas tree?
or is it non traditional?
Ours in traditional.
Do you like colored lights?
Or clear?
I have colored. I like both though.
ok, I am really leaving now.
see ya.
later aligator.
After while crocadile.
So, you know how all these peeps are trying to get the most comments, which is So fun and exciting and all, but there isn't a TON of content to the posts, so I had an epiphany! Maybe there should be a prize given out for the longest comment with the most content in it ya know?
I have to start out by saying that I think you are a really talented girly! i can't believe the amount of crafts you do and the speed that you do them at. Is that inspiring or what!?! I hope you teach all the girls and women at church for like Super Saturdays or something like that. I think Heavenly Father would be really happy about you sharing your talents that way. Heck, I wouldn't mind you being my neighbor and then you could teach me everyday, all day!!
Second, Dorian came home last night from taking his test to get into the army or whatever, and he scored a 94!!! How cool is that!?! I'm so proud of him, and now he can do whatever he wants! Maybe if the air force knew about this score they would actually give him the time of day now! :o) I hope you know I don't think anything bad about the air force, I just don't like the person he's been talking to....Oh well!
I'm dying to know the answer to the question I wrote you yesterday. About whether you were in for the long haul or not with the air force. I'm dying to know if you miss your family, and you'll be away from them for a VERy long time. That wouldn't be too fun, but at least it sounds like you have a little family away form family when you live on base!
I am really, truly grateful that I have you to a=talk about these things with. It's a special bond that I don't have with anybody else. You know a little bit about what we might go through, and you've been so helpful in answering my questions. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!
I wonder if anybody will try to get a longer post than mine. but that would be such a bummer. especially because this is NOT a guarantee for a prize. I just like this kind of post so much better than a one word post....NO OFFENSE TO ANYBODY!! (i love your determination!)...it means a little bit more. At least I think so. Maybe you just think this all so random, and I'm just trying to carry on this post. Well, it might be 1/2 true, but I won't willingly admit to it! :o)
Thanks for being such an uplifting person, and having a positive outlook on everything. At least it seems that way. I'm somewhat of a pessimist, so it's nice to read your blog posts! Soon you'll be out of Alaska, and you'll be an even happier person!! That will be a great day for you.
Good luck with getting to 1000 posts!! That is sooooooooooo many! I can't believe it.
Peace out yo!
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