Saturday, May 16, 2009

You are gonna miss this..

My mom says, "You are gonna miss this," when I call to vent about my two year old.

I laugh and say, "Yeah probably but I wanna smack him right now!!"

We both laugh and I feel better.

I haven't really realized that I really am going to miss this until tonight.

Bee woke up at about 1am.

I went into his room, rolled him in his blanket and rock him in the rocking chair.

As I sat down, I realized that his little body doesn't fit the long way anymore. I can't hold him like a football and rock him.

It was just 2 years ago, that I could put him on my arms and rock with room for a Boppy pillow and water bottle!

It was a year ago that I could still fold his little feet into my armpit and still rock him.

My little baby is now a little man.

I sat there and rocked him for longer than I usually do. Just thinking of all my blessings. Listening to his little snores. Being able to get up and rock him without having to worry about bills, jobs, food, etc. Just being in that dark room with my little man, putting him back to sleep. Just one mission.

I am so very grateful for you, Little Man. You are such a great person. I can see your personality show through every day. You LOVE being outside, running around. I can't wait until we move into a house with a fenced yard so that you can your little heart out.
You know how to brighten up a room. People stop in the stores just to see your smile again. You have a cute little snort when you laugh. (That your Dad hopes you loose soon! But I kinda like it.)
You LOVE Hooch. Anytime you are outside, Hooch should/needs to be too. When we go fishing, you chase Hooch around. He follows his nose, you follow him.
I am so grateful that you are in our little family. You bring such joy. I can't wait until you wake up every morning so that we can go get breakfast together.
I love you, Little Boy!

Don't miss my giveaway on the post below! It's a good one!


Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I totally miss rocking my kids to sleep... but I'm also enjoying the phase they are in now!

Me and my mom are that way also...

Unknown said...

What a sweet post to Connor. They grow up so fast my little one is going to be 22. Enjoy him while you can.

Rebecca Irvine said...

I miss that about my kids as well. Thanks for this sweet post.

Deb Robertson Writes said...

So true! rocking a baby to sleep is just the best!

Anonymous said...

I miss those moments.

danette said...

What a sweet post, I can definitely relate!