This is the quilt I made for the little Eli. Just a quick little thing but it turned out nicely.
(The pictures are bad cuz I didn't realize it was on Manual!)
We had it in the gym of our church so the munchkins could run around with their bikes and scooters. It wasn't cozy but it was still good.
I didn't think to get pictures until people were packing up to leave.
Bobbi and the girlies, Bethany M., Andrea K. and munchkins, Taron D., Anna, Lindsay J and Mrs. R were all there. Oh and of course, big sister Elora and mommy!
I love me some Costco cake!! (It was Mommy-to-be's only request!)
We had the baby shower just in time. Mr Eli was born just a few days after!
This was my first baby shower that I helped plan. I didn't have a baby shower with Bee, and I'd only been to one before so it was really fun!!
And instead of gifts, Tammy wanted frozen meals. I thought that was a great idea for a second child baby shower.
I have mixed views on baby showers for second/third babies.
Sometimes I think you get one baby shower and that's it.
Other times I think that if you are having the other gender, you can have another shower.
And some more times I think that baby showers are suppose to be about celebrating the little baby's life...not why not have one. If you have friends that wanna give you a gift, they are going to whether or not you have a baby shower.
What are your guys' thoughts?
The blanket is super cute!
And that cake looks heavnely.
I was only ever given one shower. I think if you get two showers you likely are more popular in general, or are so poor people see you in need :-).
i support all baby showers for all babies.
why not???
why should your 1st born have a special celebration and not the 2nd or 3rd one???
i'm just saying.
that's how i feel about it.
{and i'll say this...i'm not saying you need to get huge strollers and brand new baby beds for every baby or baby shower, but the clothes and the small things like diapers and baby wash, i totaally support that.}
love the quilt! I agree... about baby showers for all babies! ( I had one for my first and third boys...) but who can't use diapers?? and an excuse to chat and visit with friends!
lovely quilt!
I think that baby showers are fine for any of the kids, but you shouldn't have to get the big gifts anymore. Just little things or things that the mom wants or needs.
I needed my 1st shower and who knows if I am getting my 2nd one or not. I don't need it, but hey it would be nice to get things for this little one that I wouldn't be able to get for her myself!
Sorry that Chris is gone again. Hopefully he won't be gone as long this time. It is never fun when the hubby is gone for so long!
Hope all is going well!
First off...the fact that you called that quilt a "quick little thing" is out of control. You are amazing!
Second, I think it's kinda tacky to have a lot of showers. If it's a different gender, then cool. But, although showers SHOULD be to celebrate a new life, it seems like they're more of a party for the future mom with lots of baby presents and help for her to prepare for a new stage. Maybe it's just me and I'm a brat...but you asked:)
I'm a first baby one shower gal. Nice to use the church. Cake looks good!
I was only given showers for the first baby, but I love the idea of freezer foods for 2nd or 3rd's. Not that I plan on having anymore mind you, but it's a great idea!
what a great quilt! and I think its a good idea to have it in a gym so the kids can run around!
The best shower I ever had was a diaper/casserole shower. Everyone brought a frozen casserole and a bag of diapers. I didn't cook for or need diapers for A MONTH!!!! it was like I had been handed cash and a chef.
I'm done having kids but I'd really like to throw myself a casserole shower - and invite really good cooks...lots of them!
I think it's okay to have multiple showers (especially if chocolate cake is being served) - and the freezer food thing is a great idea.
I was just reading your 101 things and I love your last one! It is so very scary and fabulous at the same time!
very nice little baby quilt!
looks like you all had a great time at the baby shower!
I often have mixed feelings as well. Part of it comes from people feeling like they are entitled to having one, I don't like that at all. I agree that your friends who want to give you gifts will anyway.
I'm a believer in having anothr shower if there is a need. I was pregnant (#4) when we moved here and didn't have anything because we had gotten rid of it all. My husband had had the big snip snip and well we just didn't expect it to happen. So I would of probably loved to have one. Seeing as how things didn't turn out I'm glad I didn't have one cause I'd a felt bad about having people buy me stuff and no baby.
Really I do just love to get together to celebrate so I think they should just be called baby celebrations and no games should be played, only good food and good friends.
Your quilt looks great.
I only got one shower but my second was a girl so I didn't need anything.
I like the idea of a frozen dinner shower for 2nd, 3rd or whatever number baby because it really does help more than gifts.
I hate to admit this but I had 5 baby showers. OK, this is some thing I should blog about. Writing this topic down.
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