These were the words out of my hubby's mouth today. He went to visit the people in charge of our orders, to see why we hadn't received ours yet. (We were suppose to leave in 64 days, and counting.)
That was their answer. And because it's already in the computer with tentative dates attached to it, it CAN NOT be changed.

So no matter how many cookies, breads, caramels, quilts, aprons, phone calls or emails I make...we are staying in Alaska until August.

We must have a mission up here in Alaska that Heavenly Father wants us to complete before we leave. I hope we learn it soon cuz I want some sun!!
I am disappointed that we aren't leaving. The winters are hard up here. It's cold and dark. I was looking forward to being somewhere where we can drive places. To visit family without spending $1000 on plane tickets. To seeing family in February.
For the brighter side...(I'm going to have to have you remind me of these come January)...when we drive out of here, the Alacan will be safer...Bee will be two and be able to see more things...we'll be able to visit our hometown when everyone is out of's only 9 months...the temple is here and close so that we can do what is needed...Chris will be able to get another hunting and fishing season under his belt...we get another PFD ($)...we will be able to pay off almost all of our bills with that extra money (just the truck left)...I have more time to work on a certain someone's quilt...I'll get to go to another midnight showing with my hommies up here for Harry Potter! (anyone in??)...AND I get to stay with all my friends I've made up here!!

Okay comment away so that I don't pout too much!
(I know I said I would put up sister pictures today but I'm not feeling it...tomorrow!)
Look at me- first to comment. I think it's WONDERFUL you will be here longer! Maybe I'm just being selfish and all but I'm thrilled to have you around longer. I think you're wonderful Miss Krista and we want to keep seeing "baby Connor" as long as he is still acting babyish. And yes, the ALCAN will be worth driving in the summer.
Sounds like you have a good attitude about it. It could be worse; you could be living in Iraq :)
Way to look on the bright side! And maybe your family can take a turn spending dollars on plane tickets to come visit you? Right? Fun?
Good luck with your time left in Alaska. I answered some of your questions on my blog. I'll have to get back to you on the mini quilt group. Like I said, it might just be a block swap. How fun? I'll give my mail man a run for his money by sending mail to alaska!
Have a happy thanksgiving.
oh hey, forgot to tell you earlier I tagged you on my blog, it's up to you if you want to play or not.
Bah! I am sorry to hear they changed the date! It sounds like you have already thought of the up side though!
hooray for us!!! whaa for you!! sorry for the delay but it really does give all us alaskans more krista! love your quilt by the way, it is immaculate, and i love the colors! alcan driving is the greatest! sooooo beautiful and so awesome we're doing it again!
I can't eve imagine what it is to live up there in the frozen tundra. Makes my teeth chatter just thinking about it.
Sounds like you're making it a glass half full event.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Does this mean more moose stories with pictures? LOL
As, I sit here in our balmy 30 degree weather, I am thinking of you! ♥ Happy Thanksgiving, la la la!
HEY! I just stopped in for a sec to see how you are...not sounding so good, though!
HANG IN THERE!!! There are always reasons behind the way things work out. Right? It is just really tough to see those right now.
Kind of cool to spend one more winter there. What if you are never there again?? TAKE ADVANTAGE!! Enjoy!! Maybe you're headin' for Florida next!
I think I could come up with a few good reasons why someone's keeping you around..... ;) Glad to hear you guys will be here longer.
You know that I am just thrilled....
I get to keep my Krista a couple months longer. And if you consider me one of your Midnight showing hommies you know that I am so in. And this time I will wait the 4 hours at the theater w/you, I will make sure we have a sitter.
Wow...way to look on the bright side! I think you are right, there is obviously a reason for you staying in Alaska...even though you may not know it yet.
Oh, what's sunshine? It's not so hot, okay it is hot. Too hot when you're in GA. Maybe I'm still in my gratitude mode of not sweating that I love it here. The snow dumping we just had is BEAUTIFUL. I'm glad we get to keep you a bit longer. I didn't realize your time was up so soon. I always think everyone leaves when I do. ;)
You are the envy of my husband. Alaska and a wife who is trying to be happy with it is any hunting husband's dream come true.
Hey there! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog! I'm amazed we didn't run into each other earlier! My brother lives in Alaska (Wasilla) and after hearing some of his winter stories...I can see why you wanted to leave lol. But I admire your attitude about keeping things positive. Something we should all try to do! I'm gonna snoop around some more...I'll lock up when I leave :)
I love Military families!! My son wants to visit Alaska. Have you seen the Eagles that are supposed to be huge in number when they learn to fly or move south?
One good thing is that you have longer to pack things?!?
We haven't had to move or wait with the National Guard - only Steve himself with promotions or positions. But we have had this with the Highway Patrol. The military is worse about this, I think.
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