This is my husband's story. See that Polaris Ranger up there. We have one of those. Note the windshield.
So there I was, standing there smeared in motor oil...she walked in with a saddle and a set of jumper cables and I thought I was dead...oh sorry that's Jeff Foxworthy.
....when you miss calculate a jump with your brand new ranger and what you thought was a fool-proof jump, turned into a very expensive whoops!!
It was my first time out with the new ranger when I came up with the great idea to go off a jump that most experienced people would think twice on. At full speed I hit the jump and instantly my thoughts turned from "Cool!" to "uh oh!!!!!!!" I guess my ranger is a lot more nose heavy than I realized .The nose of my ranger came smashing down.
Instantly, the windshield popped out and landed on the ground, at the same time my forehead met up with the steering wheel. I looked over to check on my 6 year old companion sitting in the other seat, hoping that he didn't get cut in half by the seatbelt. He was fine (in fact he wanted me to do it again).
After all was done, I exited the ranger to find that the windshield that hit the ground unbroken, was now under the ranger shattered in thousands of pieces. Apparently I rolled over it when I took my foot off the brake. CRAP!!! Then, as if that wasn't enough, I returned to my ranger thinking that I could drive it back to camp only to realize that when I hit the ground, my front tires had been tweaked out so far that I wasn't able to steer. I had to bring the truck to the ranger to get it loaded. Then, while driving back to camp, I tried to come up with a good story about hitting a moose or something to that nature. I probably would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for the 6 year old tattling on me.
Don't you hate it when that happens?! Yeah me too! (To the tune of $2000!!)

(Note: These aren't real pictures from above accident...they are google pictures.)
Hey I was just there. Going back over right now.
That is funny, sorry I chuckled.
Yikes! I am glad nobody was hurt! I am off to vote for you!
Great story.
That thing looks like a blast to drive.
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and cheering for me on my run.
Thanks for your comment on my blog! I love your blog header. And glad you were not hurt in this little adventure :-)!
I've lived through a similar experience. We went 4 wheeling in our Tacoma and our friend was riding on his dirt bike. His bike broke or ran out of gas and so we put it in the back. He rode up front with my hubby while I sat in the back with my 6 month old baby. They get going and decide to take some jumps. I'm in the back saying "Honey I don't think that's a good idea, you're going to kill us all" When wham it's too late. We land and the dirt bike smashes into the back window shattering glass all over me and my 6 month old baby. Not a happy camper. I'm glad you guys are okay, that was a good story.
I'm sorry I laughed...because that is TOO scary...but the way you described it had me chuckling! I added your name to MR. LINKY! Voting is on Tuesday in a poll...so have friends and family come over and vote tomorrow! :)
you have awards over at my place!
LOL, very funny! LOL
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