Friday, September 30, 2011

Dragonfly is here!

Guess what I went and did??! I had a baby!
His name is Dragonfly (on here). He weighed 5lbs 3oz and 18.5 inches long. He was born Friday Sept 23 at 10:24pm. 

He was born with 96k platelets which was a huge miracle! And he comes with quite an arrival story too! But I will share later. For now, you can enjoy his first pictures. More to come soon!


Ann said...

Congratulations again, chica!
He looks so sweet *heart*

Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

Hurray hurray hurray hurray!!! XXXXXXXXX

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I am so happy Jacob is Healthy and doing great. How is Momma doing? He is gorgeous!!!

Jodi Godfrey said...

Wow! You had a baby! I'm so glad I came and found you! Congratulations! Hope you guys get to rest up well and that beautiful Jacob keeps growing strong! xx

Melinda H. said...

Congrats! Why is he strapped up in a thingy with lot's of wires? Is he in the NICU? He looks so sweet! I'd love to hear your story, post it soon!